Thursday, September 16, 2010

IB CAS Proposal: International Coastal Clean-up

FORM #1: CAS Activity Proposal

This form must be submitted to and approved by the CAS Coordinator BEFORE you begin your work.

Bryan Jim Credo Bala

International Coastal Clean-up

The world is a very beautiful place, but humans seem to take it for granted. I believe that as an educated person, I should take responsibility of cleaning up our own mess. I would like to be a part of the organizing committee for an international project named International Coastal Clean-up. Our beaches are seriously full with garbage and it ruins the home of marine animals. I would like to gain support from Brentonians to help the us clean up the beach and to represent the school. I want to get as many people as possible in order to assure the success of the project. This project is collaborative and the possible members of the organizing committee include Jana Ong, Ramona Kabigting, Akber Cook and Kayla Nee.

I want to successfully invite a lot of people from Brent Subic and assure that we will be able to represent our school properly in an international event like this. I would like to help the committee in promoting the cause. Pollution is a big issue in the world and I believe that as an individual, I should do my part. Pushing myself to do an earth friendly activity would not only lessen the pollution that our waters are suffering from but it can also help me grow up as a person.

Everyone will absolutely benefit from this activity. Many of us rely on the food that we obtain from the seas, and it is true that making the beach clean would be very helpful to everyone. Nobody would want to acquire disease from a dirty beach, and so doing this activity will avoid it. Marine animals would also be healthier if we do this all together. In short, this will save our natural resources.

This will happen in front of the Lighthouse. This will take place once on the 25th of September.

Mr. Enrico Tolentino

Brent International School, Subic

Student Agreement

I will commit to the activity at the above-stated time/s and given duration to the best of my ability. I understand that it is my responsibility to see this activity to its completion, and once approved, can only be cancelled through negotiation with the supervisor and the CAS Coordinator. (Click the SUBMIT button to signify your agreement.)

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